How to Make Sticky Post in Your WordPress
While WordPress maintains a reverse chronological order for all your posts in the homepage, where your latest post is at the top, sticky post is the feature that enables you to stick one of your posts at the top of your homepage. Sticky post has been offered by WordPress natively from version 2.7. You can also make your sticky post more noticeable through its design and color, depending on the theme that you’re using.
To create a sticky post, after creating that post, head over to the Publish panel in the right. Look for the Visibility option, where it says Public by default and click Edit. Now the visibility option will expand. You’ll find the option to make the post sticky just under the ticked (by default) Public option. The option will say Stick this post on the front page. Just click on the option and click Ok. You’ll find an option that says Update. Click on that and save your work. Now to make a post sticky that had been created before, go to All Posts and find out the post that you want to make sticky. Hover your cursor over that post and you’ll see a few options popping up. Click on the one that says Quick Edit. Head over to the right. There’ll be a field with the heading Tags. This is where you usually put the tags of that post. Underneath that field, you’ll find the option that says Make this post sticky. Tick that and update to save your work.
If you want to unstick a sticky post, the process is quite similar to make an existing post sticky. Head over to your All Posts. On the top you’ll find the Sticky tab beside the Published tab. Click on that and now you’ll see all the posts that you have made sticky. Hover over to the post that you want to unstick, click Quick Edit, tick off the option that says Make this post sticky, click update, and you’re done.